October 27, 2012

Guess who turned two!!

So my little guy (guess I should refer to him as the big guy now) turned 2 on Thursday! It's amazing how fast time flies... So I am now the mother of a kid in his "terrible twos" (although I think it starts around 18months.) He is communicating so much better than he has been, in the past month he has just showed us so much growth. We are thinking about starting to officially potty train him, which will triple my stress during the day I'm sure, but it has to be done... right?! On another note though, Robby is starting to really show affection to Bradley!! Its adorable, he will hold his hand sometimes while Bradley is nursing or try to hug/kiss him when he is laying in the Boppy. He will look for him when he realizes I'm not holding him and the house is "calm" which more times than not just wakes Bradley up, but I'm okay with it. 

We decided last year on Robby's birthday that it would be our tradition to go as a family to the pumpkin patch. I especially wanted it to be fun this year because we aren't having a "party" for him. I just don't have the time to plan anything with the baby and I'm not a person that can half way do something. I was so very happy with the way it turned out, the place had more things to do this year and Robby had such a blast!! slides, animals, corn kernel pits, bounce houses, not to mention a corn maze .... 

This weekend we are also taking him to the state fair and my parents are going to tag along as a part of his birthday celebration!! I haven't been to the fair since i was in High School so I'm pretty excited about it!!
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October 10, 2012

Easy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know what you are thinking, how in the world did I find time and energy to make cookies with a 23month old and a 2week old at home. Well that's because this recipe has 3 ingredients and takes minimal effort. I can't take credit for the idea, I got it from a friend who found it on none other than pinterest (seriously what did we do before pinterest??!!) 

1 can of pumpkin (15oz) 
Box of Spice cake mix 
About a cup of chocolate chips 

Preheat oven to 350

Mix together the ingredients, ( I mixed the pumpkin and cake mix first till blended and smooth then mixed in the chocolate chips. )
Place large spoonfuls onto cookie sheet and cook about 12mins, (I made mine very large and they cooked about 18mins) I just used the toothpick trick till it came out clean.

After they cool, grab one and enjoy! Once you start sharing them they will be gone, they really are that good.....

Sorry for the crappy photos, I didn't intend on blogging about this till someone asked... these were just shots from my phone.

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October 2, 2012

9 Days Post Pregnancy

So here we are, I've made it past week one and into the second week of the craziness that is now my life. I thought I'd update everyone on how I am, as well as Bradley and Robby!! First lets start with how amazing it feels to have both of these boys in my life. I feel like they are everything I never knew I wanted and I am so blessed to have them. Robby has been sick on and off since baby was born, so they unfortunately haven't had a lot of bonding time. He isn't showing much interest in him yet, he has his moments of jealousy though. I was using a pillow of Robby's to rest Bradley on for a few short minutes till Robby started pulling at it. I moved the baby and Robby takes his pillow, hides it in his closet and shuts his bedroom door!! Cute but definitely trying to tell me something! He on occasion will "pet" Bradley's head or back which tickles my heart!! I am semi struggling with the guilt of not being able to split my time with the boys 50/50. Bradley nurses so often right now that it just is hard to do much with Robby although I do try to fit in some coloring or block building in between feedings. I hope he isn't feeling left out and I am just feeling what most moms do after a sibling is born??? 

Now on to the little one, he is so very pleasant to be around its ridiculous!! He sleeps so well at night, in fact I have to wake him up every 2-3hrs to make sure he is eating! I feel more rested than I thought I would which makes the days not so hard to handle. He is still in his "newborn" phase and doesn't do much of anything except sneak in a smile here and there, which is probably just gas but I'd like to think it's more than that. I still am in awe of his black hair and darker tone, we really did end up getting one child like me and one child like Robert!!

Post pregnancy body update, I look a lot thinner than I expected with this being my 2nd pregnancy. Everyone informed me how much harder it is to shed the pounds. I guess I have some awesome genes to thank for that! I don't know how far I am weight wise from my pre-pregnancy body. Its more about what you look like then what the numbers say anyways!! I am going to start doing half an hour or so on our elliptical just to speed up losing the rest. So I guess that's about it.... Now I'm just anxiously awaiting the cooler weather and the holiday season to start!! Hope everyone is having a great week!!

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