January 6, 2012

Baking with a side of my cute son....

This whole week I have been baking/cooking up a storm!!! Not sure why ?? It might be my change in diet.... but I am so excited to cook food again. Blueberry pancakes yesterday for breakfast then calabasitas con queso (zucchini with cheese) last night, chocolate chip cookies today and Eggplant Parmesan for dinner later !! I hope this feeling doesn't wear off to be honest. I have had so much more energy too, which I also believe is due to my healthier diet. I haven't had any cravings for meat either which makes me happy.  I still need to make something with the tofu I bought, but my goal is to do that this weekend. 

corn, zucchini, jalapenos, onion and cheese = amazing!


and of course I've eaten so many salads lately :) 

Robby and I have been spending so much more time outside too. The weather in Phoenix is so amazing this time of year! If I have a lot of errands to run during the day I always make a stop by the park so Robby can enjoy it too!

he loves our dogs, luckily they love him too...

the green is starting to return

 Happy Friday !! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!!


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