So this is what it looks like to hit 150 on the scale, not only hit it but passed it by a few.....
I am at 37 weeks finally which means I'm "full term", which means baby can come anytime now and be healthy... I'm not "due" till the 23rd though. Its like a tease when the doctor tells you baby is safe to come out when they choose because then all I can think about is wanting to meet my little guy and how I'm over carrying around this huge belly! I am finally at terms with gaining about 10 more lbs with this baby than I did with Robby. If I am completely honest with myself I haven't been as healthy (food wise) as I was with Robby, so its not a total surprise where those 10 lbs came from.... I am excited and nervous about our new addition finally arriving!! I am as equally excited to shed this pregnancy weight!! I hope to never see 150+ on the scale again.....
OK, so maybe this is what 154 looks like
Other news to speak on, Robby has been going to a daycare two times a week for about a month now. I was torn up about it, but knew that I needed the break before baby comes. I also will need those days after the baby comes to be able to keep my sanity. He really has been enjoying himself and learning, he (as of this week) no longer cries or pouts when I drop him off but rather waves and says bye .... He actually SAYS bye bye. I haven't spoken much on the topic here, but my son is still not a talker. He is 22 months and besides ut-oh, its all gibber gabber. So when he got out the word bye the other day, I was so very happy!!! It helps me believe that what I'm doing with him is the right thing. So hooray for Robby and hooray for mommy ;)
Robert and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary this month as well! Can not believe in a little over 3 years we have managed to do and go through as much as we have....I love my family very much!
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