November 27, 2011

2nd hand stuff

I have been trying to deter myself from buying new and instead of running to target or the nearest mall for my shopping fix, go to a thrift store. So far so good, I've scored on some awesome things! I'm also working on not spending mass amounts all at once, but a few things here and there.  I found a few stores that I will for sure be going to regularly :) Here are the latest finds ..... 

 A cute little hand painted ornament that came in its own little box:) Not sure if I want to gift this or keep it....
 Awesome bracelet for 99c !
 Cute little penguin Christmas cookie tray, love this so much.... 

 New top! 
I love finding good deals with everything, but I love scoring on clothes the most though...... 

enjoying left over apple pie while I blog = heaven :)


  1. I love going to thrifts stores and buying little things like this it' wonderful. How did you start out doing this? Did you fins it hard in the begining? to shop at thrift stores instead of malls?

  2. I started out just going on the weekends or when I was bored at the house. Then I decided if I take my time and go often, I can always find what I need eventually. It was hard because I was used to knowing exactly where to find whatever it was I'm looking for, It takes more time to find awesome things at thrift stores.... but that is part of the fun of it!!!
    thanks for reading!!

  3. Brilliant finds. I wish I came across stuff like that.
    You would laugh if you saw the things I come across in the thrift stores here, especially when you see the prices!


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