November 14, 2011

Oh the places you will go .....

So I made this for my boyfriend on our last anniversary. It took me forever because I didn't have an easy way to trace the states and I had to watch my little one while doing so.... with help from my mom. We plan to cover it with pins and travel all over the U S of A !! but right now we only have AZ and CA.

I don't have step by step pictures of me making it, but I will attempt to explain how I made it ...

Stuff you will need:
Mod Podge (MATTE)
Paint (optional)
Craft Letters
Tracing Paper
Canvas (the size you want it to be, the smaller the harder)

Before I started cutting, I painted the canvas a coordinating color. I also put tape around the edge before I painted to give it a border. I let it dry while I did the states.

Step 1. First you must trace all the states on to tracing paper, I used a puzzle of the states that was the size I needed. You can hold it up to the computer screen if you wish or print out pictures of each state, just make sure they are proportional.

Step 2. Cut out each state, and trace them onto the cardstock. I tried to make sure none of the same patterns touched. You can do it how ever you want though

Step 3. Cut them out of the card stock, I would place them down in order so you dont lose any those small east coast states can get tricky. You can also write the name of the state on the back.

Step 4.  Then you can start gluing them down on to the canvas, start with the middle states (TX, OK, KS, NE, SD, ND) and work your way outward that way you know that it is centered.

Step 5.  Cover the states with Mod Podge, to make sure they are secure.

Step 6. Spell out "oh the places you'll go" (i wanted to put we'll go, but I didnt have any w's) and glue them on however you fill fit.



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