October 27, 2012

Guess who turned two!!

So my little guy (guess I should refer to him as the big guy now) turned 2 on Thursday! It's amazing how fast time flies... So I am now the mother of a kid in his "terrible twos" (although I think it starts around 18months.) He is communicating so much better than he has been, in the past month he has just showed us so much growth. We are thinking about starting to officially potty train him, which will triple my stress during the day I'm sure, but it has to be done... right?! On another note though, Robby is starting to really show affection to Bradley!! Its adorable, he will hold his hand sometimes while Bradley is nursing or try to hug/kiss him when he is laying in the Boppy. He will look for him when he realizes I'm not holding him and the house is "calm" which more times than not just wakes Bradley up, but I'm okay with it. 

We decided last year on Robby's birthday that it would be our tradition to go as a family to the pumpkin patch. I especially wanted it to be fun this year because we aren't having a "party" for him. I just don't have the time to plan anything with the baby and I'm not a person that can half way do something. I was so very happy with the way it turned out, the place had more things to do this year and Robby had such a blast!! slides, animals, corn kernel pits, bounce houses, not to mention a corn maze .... 

This weekend we are also taking him to the state fair and my parents are going to tag along as a part of his birthday celebration!! I haven't been to the fair since i was in High School so I'm pretty excited about it!!


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