November 12, 2011

Grow! Grow! Grow!!

So I cut my hair SUPER short in June of 2009, for a lot of different reasons (boys, life, school, summer heat) I loved it for the first few months then once it grows out a little you are stuck with the decision to keep it short and get a trim or go through the grueling process of growing it back out. I decided to grow it out again, especially since Robert kept hinting to me how much he LOVED my long hair haha!! Well yesterday I straightened my hair because a friend from out of state was here to visit and I wanted to look my best :) I took a picture of myself and I was presently surprised at how long my hair has gotten! I don't get the chance to do my hair often so I guess it just has gone unnoticed till now! I'm not done yet, I want a few more inches ....

July 2009
you know its summer because not "Edward Scissorhands" pale

 November 2011


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