September 25, 2012

Bradley is home!

So it's the first full day in my new adventures at home as a mother of two boys, and I'm still alive!

 I wanted to share my birth story because I know I enjoy reading others.

First let's start with a chain of disappointments on Wednesday the 19th, I was supposed to be induced (elective induction) but that was cancelled due to the L&D being full. I received a phone call from the other hospital my doctor delivers too asking if I could make it there ASAP to get in, of course Robert wasn't home from work yet and we live at the very least 30mins away so I had to say no...let's just say that night was full of tears and sleeping. I was so looking forward to meeting Bradley and to start the journey of getting my body back. The next morning, Thursday, I got an appointment with my lovely doctor to "strip my membranes" which I'm told can help start labor. Since Robert had already taken the day off (thinking baby would be here) we then spent the day walking! I walked about 4-5 miles !! Sure enough that night contractions started!! Fairly painful ones too!! So I spent the night timing them as they got worse and man did they get bad!! But they never got close enough (hospital wants them 5mins or less apart) They were coming around 7-9mins apart, so although I was in so much pain I knew they wouldn't admit me .... I told dear Robert to go to work the next morning, Friday, because I didn't think it would happen any time soon. Luckily my mom had the time to come spend the day playing with Robby while he was at work. I don't think I would have been able to cope otherwise. The contractions stayed the whole day and by Friday night I was so exhausted and feeling defeated, we decided to see if they would admit me. Robert and I spent a few hours in triage and sadly was sent home. We decided I would stay at my moms till Sunday and Robert would return home with little guy. I was in no shape to be around kids! My induction was rescheduled for Sunday, so I had to just tough it out. I have to say I was in so much pain those few days, being stuck in early labor is not something I would wish on my enemy!! Very early Sunday morning my mom decided to take me in again, she's never seen me in such pain and I don't think she quite knew what to do. Although my contractions were still 7mins apart they admitted me! I'm not sure if it was because i was due for induction that afternoon, the fact that it was my second visit or because I had progressed to 4cm. All i know is the feeling of relief was amazing.... Just knowing it would be over soon.... Once I got my room I immediately asked for an epidural, after three days of pain and no sleep I needed it!! I was able to nap nearly 4-5hrs after that!! (I had hopes of being able to do this one naturally but one thing you learn with having kids is that nothing goes as planned!!) Then the fun started.....

Around noon I was dialed to 6cm and they decided to break my water. I asked the doctor if my epidural was working soon after because I stated feeling more pressure, she checked and I had progressed to 7cm.  I decided to let keep my dose where it was at because I didn't wanna risk being fully numb by the time pushing came. (sadly that was the case with Robby which resulted in a long time pushing) Thirty minutes later the pressure was pretty bad and I asked the doctor about it.... She checked and she said I was complete and time to get the doctor to start pushing!! It happened so fast!! I stared pushing and 25mins later at 1:26pm Bradley was here! It was so much quicker than I could have imagined.

When they laid him on my chest and I saw his head full of jet black hair and his hairy body, I thought to myself he is the total opposite of Robby with his thin blond hair!! Although they had similarities, more notably they weighed the same and were only .5 inches different in height! They both resemble Robert over me which I'm okay with :) It's funny how we would question what it'll be like and what he would look like, then he came and everything is perfect. Bradley is everything I could dream of and more....

Since everything went smoothly we were able to return home the next day and start our life as a family of four! I am looking forward to the struggles and the joy that is coming our way, I am so very blessed to have 3 amazing boys in my life.

 Dad loves his little boy so much...

First day at home; wearing some of his brothers "hand me downs"


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