October 24, 2011

Celebrating Year One

So this past week my little guy turned one! It's amazing how much can change in a year. My son has brought so much light into mine and my boyfriends life. You truly don't know how much love you are capable of until you have a child. He is my heart on the outside of my chest. I am lucky enough to have spent every single day with him, starting at day one:


Now he is a year and I'm getting anxious to have another baby! While still enjoying every moment with Robby. Here are a few pictures from our fun backyard bash we had in honor of Robby turning one:

  Alina, my friends daughter.....if we have any say in it these two will marry one day ;)

so thankful for so many gifts from dear friends and family

he turned into a cheese ball when we started singing to him

i made all of the decorations and food, A LOT OF WORK!

ive known these ladies since high school!

The party was quite the success, everyone had fun listening to oldies and watching the younger kids play. I'm lucky to have a few longtime friends that also have small children. We had a piƱata full of the best Mexican candies and lots of treats/food for everyone! I ran short on time and had very little time to shower. So I had wet hair, no makeup, and the first shirt short combo I could find. Its bittersweet watching him grow, but I know there are plenty of adventures to come!

My boyfriend makes great videos as a hobby and here is one he made in honor of Robby turning one!!
The Wonder Years - Year One from Robert Carrillo on Vimeo.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!


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