November 9, 2011

Hair Mask - Home Remedies

I have always been fascinated by the multiple uses of the stuff we have around the house and how there are so many safer ways to do things, not to mention cheaper too!

This one is for damaged hair using Olive oil and Rosemary (essential oil).

First you pour ¼ cup olive oil into a small bottle. (you might have some left over) You can warm it up, but I don't always warm it up and it works just the same. (If you to choose to warm it up, make sure not to burn it or heat it to much, you should be able to touch it without burning.) Then you add 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and massage into scalp and throughout your hair. Once you have soaked your entire head cover with shower cap for 15-20 minutes. You then need to shampoo to remove. (you may not feel like its not all off, but it will keep your hair shiny and silky) Repeat this as often as once week, I try do it twice a month. Store any extra away from sunlight and it will keep for at least one month!! 

Also, rinsing your hair with cool water before getting out of the shower helps close the hair cuticle and will reduce frizz!! It can keep your color from fading for longer as well! talk about cheap!! 

I found this online and... it works great too! the vinegar is for clarifying!! Just in case you dont have any essential oils around the house!! 

If anyone would like a picture tutorial, just let me know and I'll gladly do one!


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