December 26, 2011

Our Three Christmases

Wow, it feels like I haven't blogged in a month! In actuality its been 5 days.... I let myself get swept up in the holidays and just didn't have time to sit in front of the computer and complete a post, sorry for that. I have had a great few days though!! Robert has had extra days off work and we got to see a lot of family.

Our 1st Christmas is always spent with Robert's family, they open gifts and do all the fun stuff on Christmas Eve. It was a lot of fun, as it always is! Plus there is all the tamales and meundo a girl could ask for.... Robby was asleep by the time it came to open presents, sadly. OH and, I was named this year's "present passer-outer" (yes yet another word I made up) I'm quite shy and don't do to much talking so they thought it was funny seeing my face turn bright red..... 

 Sweet boy sleeping..... 

The next "Christmas" was the morning of, and it was just us three..... It was around 6am when Robby woke up so we rushed to sneak the presents under the tree before he came into the living room. (The original plan was to do it after he went to sleep the night before, but we got tired.) He didn't seem to care that much about the presents honestly. I think its because he is like me, and is pretty grumpy the first half hour after he wakes up. Once we sat him down and opened the presents he seemed pretty excited, and started playing with everything..... We got it all on video, I'm excited to see what Robert does with the footage!!! We then made waffles and went back to sleep, bliss.

Lastly, we went to my sister's house for dinner and to finish opening more presents later that day. It's always an experience when my family gets together, the country in us comes out for sure. We get loud and lose most of our manners, but its pretty funny. We had so much food, seriously.... I'm pretty sure there was more stuff than what we made on Thanksgiving! After opening presents and eating my mom comes into the family room with 3 shot glasses of Jagermeister for my sister, myself and her. It was soooo out of the ordinary for her to want to drink, especially to take SHOTS! So my sister and I looked at each other and said "what the hell" and we took our first shots in history with our mom. That wasn't the end though. . . . more shots continued. Before you knew it, I was having a NERF gun war with my step dad from across the house! (I won that war BTW) Then my mom, sister, and I started to karaoke to Fancy by Reba McEntire. I haven't drank like that since before baby was around, it was fun. Robert really enjoyed seeing me let loose too. 

 My mom and I
 My two eldest nieces

I hope all of you enjoyed your Christmas (or other holiday) ..... It is almost time to say goodbye to 2011, I'm ready to take on 2012 especially since there is so much talk about everything changing in '12. I'm moving forward and hoping for a positive change in the world!!! 


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